talk about Goldie!
Goldie has adapted very well to being the one and only. She Loves it. This is not an unusual position for her. She does this out of the blue and just stays like that… Linzi didn’t do this. Bandit didn’t do this (ever). The only dog I have had that did was Axel… all the time. He would also play with toys on his back, trying to either hold or position a toy in his mouth with is forelegs. Goldie does this too.
She has become a delight… now that she is healthy and seems to be learning faster. In addition, she has become the WATCH dog…. raising the alarm… when she thinks there is trouble!!! Boy can she get loud and deep.
Its great that she is doing well after a year of health issues and antibiotics. We tried to put her back on a commercial dog food, but that was a NO GO, so she is still on prescription food, although I may ask the vet if we might be able to change to one that is not the last resort formula.
We’ll be back again soon with a project. Of course technology has reared its ugly head in several areas AGAIN!
More Later- Beth