
Welcome to I Have A Notion™!

I Have A Notion™ started down the road to New a little more than a year ago when the web site crashed. So a new web site, new stock, and well, almost new everything! The web will always be a work in progress, but the key elements are in place.


Chaco Liner Silver Pen Style by Clover

Along with a new look, new stock and products are added all the time. Not just the newest hottest things, but the tried and true. Products that have stood the test of time and continue to work as well as the day they were introduced. Clover Chaco Liner Pens or the Sewline Ceramic Chalk Pencils, both create super fine chalk lines. In addition, adding the new innovative products that will help guide us down the road of creativity, either by updating a process or by making the current process easier or better. Like the new Wool Pressing Mats are hands down the best thing to happen to block pressing.

Buy Right

Misting Spray Bottles
The best thing to happen to the pressing station

Granted retail is based on the ever-increasing cycle of buy, buy, buy and I don’t disagree, but let’s buy right! The best thing your ironing station has ever seen. The Misting Spray Bottle for your pressing of fabric, blocks or if you longarm relaxing a quilt top, backing or batting without a soaking.

Bang for your Buck!

Quilters Select 12.5 inch ruler lable

We can buy ourselves into bankruptcy by constantly upgrading before ever really learning to use what we have. Part of my job is sourcing useful tools that do their job well for the cost. To that end, I Have A Notion™ is searching out the best tools for the best price. The goal at I Have A Notion™ is to stock the ‘better’ category of products where it is possible. Not the lowest priced and not the top of the line products and focus on the best bang for the buck. I recently found the Quilters Select Line of Rulers, they make ruler slipping a thing of the past! They are for left & right-handed quilters (measurements go both ways) and have lots of cutting lines and angles making them very valuable at the cutting table. The value will be there, if not by price, then through the value of the benefits.

You get to Choose

Showing the Beam n Read Lights
The Beam n Read Personal Hands Free Lights, Violet and Black

Where there is only one good choice that is the one you will find here. Like the Beam n Read Personal Hands-Free Light. Usefulness and value in one. If there is more than one choice, then you get to make the decision on which is best for you.

Need a Little Help?

Still not sure… drop me a line quiltnotions@gmail.com or 270-242-9900. I will assist you in any way I can because I believe in ‘old school’ retail. I would rather have you leave the store happy than dissatisfied and if I don’t have it I will try and help you find it.

A Name Change : is always difficult

I have been sharing the creation of the Hours and Hours quilt during the last few weeks. You can find the previous blogs here, here, and here. And I have a plan for moving forward. But I have a much bigger task to complete before I can begin quilting.

So this is where we are

Loaded on the longarm for quilting. I knew I might have to take the quilt off the frame once or twice, so I basted the quilt and pinned to the leaders. I have already taken it off once, to quilt a gift quilt, put it back on.

Hours and Hours loaded
The Hours Quilt loaded on the Longarm

The Plan

How am I going to quilt this quilt? For planning, I took a photo of the quilt and enlarged it to 17″x 22″. Printed it out in black and white and played with the plan for quilting with a pen. I had originally played with the quilting plan on the tablet with a stylus, but that was much too tedious.

A drawn diagram of the plan for quilting the Hours Quilt
A diagram of the quilting plan for Hours and Hours

The plan is to use rulers for the white. I am planning to do a continuous curve in all the white triangles and a variety of free-motion fills for the color triangle.

A detail pictuer of the quiltng plan for Hours and Hours
A Detail of 4 sections of the quilting plan for the hours quilt

What do I know

You can see that the plan is to create lots of texture and have some fun while quilting. I know the white will be quilted with a white thread. But, have not yet decided if I will choose to quilt the color triangles in white or another color or change for each color. If you have an opinion, chime in!!!

The Why for a name change

You may be wondering why the need for a name change from Hours and Hours to Months and Months. Because I have to take the quilt off the Longarm and set it aside while I move the longarm. However, in order to move the longarm, I need to make some other changes. Those other changes will occupy the weeks before moving the longarm to a new space.

I have been looking forward to quilting this quilt. The colors remind me of summer. A grand summer filled with family fun, warm days spent in swimming pools or the beach, barbeques and picnics, lawn games, late dusk games of hide and seek, fireflies and ice cream! If you don’t have an opinion of the thread colors, tell me what summer means for you.

Until later. Beth