The Course of Life- a road with twists and turns

The course of Life is full of twists and turns! What makes travel down one road fun might create difficulties on the next!!! Or conversely what was a problem is now FUN!!!

the for sale sign put up
Putting the house up for sale

The Big Twist- the last move

For the last few weeks, we keep reminiscing about where we were a year ago!!! It’s only been a year since we changed course unexpectedly and it happened way more rapidly than we ever anticipated. Next week we will mark the sale of the house in town and the purchase of our little acreage of paradise. And the move a couple of weeks later.

Farm Road toward home
The road we live on has twits and turns too

The Fourth of July was a good turn

Fourth of July Fireworks
These are all we saw on the Fourth of July this year

The turn of moving from town to the country was a good move! In a state where ‘fireworks’ are legal and sold in mega tents in every shopping center parking lot for weeks before the holiday is a good reason to leave town life. The unexpected discharges detonations happened at all hours of the day and into the late evening hours. Then on the 3rd and 4th, it becomes a free for all well before dark and after the supposed curfew of midnight. Out in the country, it was quiet. With the exception of 2 planned, local area displays. The noise was done by 11, and better yet we didn’t hear a single test fire or early playing at all!!! Nope -don’t miss close neighbors!

Fireworks Parking lot sales tent
Parking lot fireworks sales tent

Visitors from the Road

A little twist last week, we had guests stop by. My nephew, “Mr. C” and his daughter “Little A” stopped by on their way from Pennsylvania to Missouri. It was only for a night, but I haven’t seen Mr. C since 2016 and “Little A” I can’t remember… when. Originally, they were going to return by a different route, but enjoyed the visit on the way to MO, enough to change course and come back on the way home! We enjoyed the visits too. “Little A” loves cats, so having 7 put us at the top of the list. None of ours allowed her close enough to pet, but she wanted to know the name… of each cat. The cow and pigs were a treat too. She is a city girl, and therefore declined to pet any of them. She was also intrigued by the garden and the foods it was producing. Seeing them in the garden enticed her to try them at the table.

Pigs and Little A
Feeding the pigs with “Little A”

Born Fabric Petter

“Little A” is 10. When she discovered I have a sewing space in the basement, she insisted that I show it to her. Of course, I said yes!!! The “Creative Space” is still in the process of unpacking, but I do have the fabric on the shelves. While we were talking, she was petting the fabrics and pointing to ones that she liked. If she comes back for more than a night at a time, we’ll have to play with some fabric!

And with all that said… it is back to the regular channel… chores, and gardening (which fill up most of the day) until its too hot to be outside… Take good care of yourself in the meantime by washing your hands and wearing a mask! Beth

An update in pictures

because if we wait until I have enough time to write… it will be 2020!!! So I have an update with pictures and a few words.

the chickens
The “Girls”

New additions. Chickens in the coop. 6 hens about 5 months old now. Should be laying soon? Hopefully soon some eggs, color from light green to robins egg blue! They are a breed called Cream Legbar, supposed to be calm and friendly. So far, it is true. Will be letting them out to free-range a couple of hours each day. These girls love bugs.

our Agent
Our Real Estate Agent testing the facilities

When we were looking… for a place. This fellow accompanied our agents. He has his own business cards too. I told him that if we bought the place, he could pick out a chicken and give it a name. He came out in late August, chose his bird and named her Lucy. So 2 have names, Lucy and Ethel. Possibly a 3rd has a name too, Piggy Anne, she is always front and center for kitchen scraps.

pasture to the house view
The view from the pasture to the house

The pasture, around the pond and the yard are all mowed and short! It looks so neat!!! Just needs a large hoofed creature to make it complete.

pond progress
The Pond looking better

And last, the pond with about 90% of the cattails cut down or removed. They are hard to kill, but we are working on it.

There is so much more to share… but alas my usual lament. NOT ENOUGH HOURS IN THE DAY!!! So there you have it… and update in pictures.

More Later! Beth