Speed Bumps and detours in the technology department have slowed things down and created a log jam. Don’t you just hate the kind that we don’t see coming or have no control over? That happened in the midst of writing a mid-November post! WordPress and the site host had a security incursion. Access was at risk. I am happy that they were “Jonny on the Spot”. But telling us would have been better than telling the media first!!! The speedbump was locking everyone out and requiring resetting passwords, but they didn’t tell us that. Not in the press release or email, until well after the fact. I know others that had a worse time of it than I did, but I really did want to post before the Thanksgiving Holiday… Just so I wouldn’t find myself in just this place. Too much to do and not enough time to get it all done.

Speedbumps on the Road
At the end of the early November post, I mentioned a workshop. The planning began two years ago. A friend, Linda, and I booked a workshop/retreat in Wisconsin. We were unable to get into the 2020 workshop, so we booked the one in 2021. Since 2020 was canceled it was a good thing we had to book so far out. The travel was about 800 miles each way, but we planned to do it over 2 days and try to visit some quilt shops along the way. We were only able to visit one on the way up for 2 reasons. 1 it was a Sunday and 2 we had a little tire pressure detour that took way too long to resolve. On Monday we really wanted to visit a quilt shop, but there were some “over the top” COVID requirements and we had to leave enough time to fulfill them. We did, and both tested negative for COVID for the second time in 3 days.

The workshop was with Susan Carlson on her method of collage quilting. Because of the restrictions, we were masked and social distancing; so I don’t think we got as much out of this as we might have if we were free to mingle and communicate without the COVID restrictions. A detour for attendance required proof of vaccination and two negative COVID tests, which required additional planning.

Overall, I did enjoy the workshop, but not as much as I would have if things were different. I will rethink, in-person workshops, if we have an instructor that has this much fear. As life going forward looks to me, COVID will be a very big hiccup in life and all we can do is do our part for friends, family, and our community. Get vaccinated, maintain sanitation, and wear a mask when out and about in public with strangers.
The Creations

My idea was to use a pattern from Ms. Carlson, the sun. I hit a speedbump getting started. Ms. Carlson suggested switching to the subject I really wanted to do. Iggy Piggy! Just before lunch, I had the line drawing fleshed out and began collaging a pig in fabric. I started with the snout and next on to the feet. Iggy was pretty much done before lunch Thursday. There was still a day and a half left, so I quickly put all the pig fabric away and got the sun back out along with all the sunny fabrics. I made a good start on the sun. Iggy stayed on the wall as I retired for the evening, overnight classmates added a detail. Ms. Carlson has a slide show of all the efforts and progress of everyone over the 5 days on her website, SusanCarlson.com (scroll down the page a bit).
The Detours of Life
So, why has it taken this long to post again? LIFE! the month of December has been one big speedbump. In our house, there has been 1 total knee replacement, (not me). A major change in who does what, (all me). A stormy tornado-filled weekend, (we are fine, but others in Kentucky are not). A K-9 health emergency, (Patton is an epileptic, an added complication). Some holiday baking, (all me). Some quilting, (me again and nearly late for the new arrival). A stopover houseguest twice, (a small diversion). Never mind the small little shifts that pile up… when you are not looking!

In the end, I hope that you have all made it through 2021 on a reasonably smooth road with fewer speedbumps I have had! That that you have the Merriest Holidays, enjoy your family time and experience a Joyous, Prosperous & Healthy New Year!!!
More Later! Beth